Cory's story

My name is Cory, and I’ve been a professional software engineer since I was 19. 

After receiving a B.Sc in Computer Engineering in 1993, I worked with everything from 2-person startups to some of the largest companies in the world, in diverse fields such as aerospace and defense, supply chain, retail price optimization, mobile devices, and education tech.

Over many engagements in different roles and organizational structures, I’ve seen what works, and what does not work. I’ve seen what inspires people to do their best work, and what de-motivates them enough to take their talent elsewhere.

Along the way, I started to mentor, motivate, and coach those around me. It started with engineers, and evolved into other leaders. My leadership coaching evolved into my leadership accelerator program. I administer this program a few times a year with select leaders.

When I’m not obsessing about my work, I enjoy fitness and strength athletics, meditation and mindfulness pursuits, guitar playing, performance driving, and creating humorous and inspiring content for others to enjoy.

I Am A Certified High-Flow Coach

Who Cares About Flow?

Anyone who is interested in peak performance from themselves or their team should be interested in how to enable and reach states of maximum alertness and productivity.

I became certified in Flow Coaching because I was interested in understanding and applying it in my own life and my practices. Through my writing and coaching, I enjoy bringing it to others.

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