What is a fractional CTO?

A Fractional CTO (FCTO) is an experienced technology leader that you retain on a part-time (or interim) basis for a fraction of the cost of a full-time CTO.

Engagement of a FCTO can be very seamless, or very intrusive to the team in place – it depends on the need.

My goal as FCTO is to gain the trust of the team, coach the leaders, get your tech org on the right track, then hand you the keys. 

This involves several key elements:

  • Evaluating the team in place, and upskilling where needed. The team must be able, willing, and ready to make the right decisions – even when nobody is watching.
  • Scaling your operational processes by implementing systems, automation, or both.
  • Ensuring that technology is set up as a business enabler, not a business risk.

you need a FTCO if...

  • Your technology team is not delivering, delivering too slowly, or has terrible morale
  • You need a technology partner at board meetings
  • Emergency replacement of a departing CTO, or an interim consultant while you find a full-time CTO
  • Due diligence or acquisition scenarios
  • You need a tech or architecture roadmap and you haven’t been able to get one from your existing team
  • Your technology team has no clear leader
  • You have a key technical person problem and you need a solution that will work
  • Your technology leaders need to show up differently to the rest of the organization
  • Your tech costs are out of control and you aren’t getting support from your technology team
  • You have problems with your tech co-founder

Why hire me as your fCTO?

Cross-Domain Skills

- Experienced hands-on software engineer
- Deployed software across many industries
- Product- and user- centered thinking
- Startup and large tech company experience
- Player/Coach approach to leadership

Empathetic Leader

- Led teams of 2 to 200 at CTO/VP level
- Under 5% talent turnover as engineering VP
- Certified professional coach
- Board level experience
- Rated top 3% via 360 degree reviews

Outcome Focused

- Clearly articulated and transparent goals
- Ship software and having fun doing it
- Achievement over busy work
- Full alignment between business and tech
- Craftsmanship balanced with delivery

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